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Olha: What makes me happy? Everything is simple)) ...

  • 41 岁 女性, 星座: 狮子座
  • Valencia/Kyiv, 西班牙
  • 英语(好的), 法国(基础), 意大利(基础)
  • Interior designer, decorator.
  • 1 个小孩
  • 最后在线: 昨天, 11:50

  • ID: 1001822944
 可信度 -  85%
Private details and contact information
性别 女性
孩子 1 个小孩
想要小孩 我稍后再告诉你
体型 苗条的
种族 高加索人
宗教信仰 东正教
婚姻状况 离异
学历 高等教育
吸烟者 没有
酒徒 没有
我期待 男性
筛选年龄范围 35-75
关系 活动伙伴, 友谊, 婚姻, 关系, 浪漫
What makes me happy? Everything is simple))
Slow and quiet morning coffee in your favorite cup, especially the first 30 seconds after sleep.
Warm and bright sun, I want it to always be in me.
My mom's call .. thanks dear, that you understand everything!
People close and dear to me, whom I cherish very much in this life.
This is my gift from God, sometimes I think how could I deserve all this) Probably because I am a good person.
Work - favorite, the best! Especially when everything goes to plan!
And a lot more, sunsets, sunrises, nature, the aroma of the forest, Music, and cinema, all these amazing things that are next to us))
I am grateful to fate for every day I live! For everyone and everyone who was and is! For something good and not so good. For all that I have in this life.

I know for sure that all desires and dreams come true, you just need to really wish! Therefore, I wish to meet on my way a worthy person with whom I can share the happiness of life.

Because, frankly, I think that people are getting old for what they stop kissing, jumping on the bed, and believing in the impossibility. The world is insanely beautiful and beautiful, but all people must remember and consider, importantly make friends with themselves and find a partner who will see the world through their eyes!

P.S At the moment I returned to Kyiv.
I want to describe with a poem the man I would like to meet here. I think this will reveal me as best as possible)

A man is difficult to manage.
Unpredictable, like a volcano.
There is a risk of parting, losing,
On the ship of feelings, he is the captain.
The helm will not let go of the hands,
He knows the routes by heart.
He is not afraid of a storm and a squall
In the sea of the love of sharp feelings.
He's not afraid of pirates
He does not notice the cry of seagulls.
He is his own maritime law.
He is strong and brave. So used to it.
Provide a strong shoulder
Discuss hundreds of complex topics
And become a bright candle
In the tunnel of everyday problems.
He is the captain and helmsman.
If you find it, keep it in your hands!!!
A man should be
Worthy of the sea of your feelings !

This way, I want to meet my captain here, to whom I can give a sea of feelings, emotions, and love with which my simple female heart is full!!!
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