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Isabel : Hello there!😉 I'm looking for someone special...

Send FREE message to Isabel_Manuela_
  • 29 Jahre alt frau, Sternzeichen: Zwillinge
  • Madrid, Spain
  • English(Mittel), Spanish(Fliessend)
  • Marketing
  • Ohne Kinder
  • Zuletzt Online: Gestern, 06:55

  • ID: 1001886832
 Vertrauensstufe -  100%
Private Daten und Kontaktinformationen
Persönliche Daten
Geschlecht frau
Kinder Ohne Kinder
will Kinder haben Ich sage es dir später
Körperbau Attraktiv
Familienstand Single
Ausbildung Hochschulbildung
Raucher Nein
Trinker(in) Selten
Details der Person die Sie suchen
Ich suche männlich
Ich suche nach einer Altersgruppe 40-75
Ich suche nach der Größe
Ich suche nach Körperbau
Beziehung Ehe, Beziehung, Romantik
Hello there!😉 I'm looking for someone special to share moments of laughter, inspiring conversations, and adventures with.

I love an active lifestyle: traveling, nature, sports, and cultural events. In my free time, I enjoy reading a good book or having a cozy evening with friends. I'm attracted to intelligence and a good sense of humor. Ready for new acquaintances and pleasant encounters.🥰
Beschreibung eines idealen Partners(einer idealen Partnerin):
I'm looking for a man who will be my life companion, my friend, lover, and support in all endeavors. The ideal man for me is someone who possesses inner strength and stability, yet is open to new ideas and adventures. He appreciates a sense of humor and is not afraid to show his emotional side. It's important for him to be honest, caring, and empathetic. I value kindness, tolerance, and the ability to see beauty in the little things in people. My ideal partner is ready to build strong and deep relationships based on mutual respect, trust, and support.
DatumTitelBreite x GrößeDauerAnsicht
2024-05-24black style 720 x 1280 1:01Ansicht
2024-05-24yeah! this is me again :)720 x 1280 0:48Ansicht